Writers: How to Attract NEW Readers

And How to Keep OLD Readers Coming Back For More

William Ballard, MBA
7 min readFeb 4, 2018


Photo Credit: www.lifed.com

For those of you who may not know my story, I didn’t start out writing in pursuit of a professional writing career. I wrote because of my love for the ability to express thought (spirit) through the written word.

Spirit is always for GREATER expansion and FULLER expression. It is NEVER for disintegration. Spirit expresses itself THROUGH you. — Bob Proctor

And, to be honest with you, when I was younger I never really thought writers made a lot of money. In fact, as a teenager, my dream was always about being the first Hispanic in the NBA (as you can probably tell, that one didn’t quite go as planned).

Now, yes, I wrote a lot of poetry back then, but it wasn’t until college that I started to re-think pursuing writing as a professional discipline — as opposed to just something to do to pass the time.

If you want to know more about how this professional writing thing just sort of fell into my lap, check out my 5-Minute Memoir on The Craft of Writing.



William Ballard, MBA

Business coach, marketing consultant, and creative entrepreneur. I help writers get their work noticed and get paid what they are worth: https://bit.ly/3M9ztvm