Why You Should Be a Control Freak

“I don’t need to be the smartest person in the room — I don’t even need to be right — but I do need to control.” — Grant Cardone

William Ballard, MBA
12 min readJul 27, 2022


Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

I was inspired to write this article after reading the 11th chapter of Grant Cardone’s book, “Be Obsessed or Be Average,” (AFF) which was a relatively short chapter, but still well worth reading.

“The only people who don’t like control are those who don’t have control or who have misused it in the past.” — Grant Cardone

Look, let’s be real… Most people view being a control freak as a negative thing, but the truth of the matter is that the real negative is being out of control.

I’m sure you can agree with that point, at least to a certain degree, right?

I mean, what you don’t want is to be out of control.

Why is that?

Well, because being out of control will always lead to chaos and destruction.

You see, a lot of people seem to have this belief that if there was no government or no set of rules or laws to live by, that’s what they would consider true freedom.



William Ballard, MBA

Business coach, marketing consultant, and creative entrepreneur. I help writers get their work noticed and get paid what they are worth: https://bit.ly/3M9ztvm