The Elements of a Good Book Review

Do you live up to the writer’s standard?

William Ballard, MBA


I don’t know if you all know this or not, but I’m currently pursuing a second Master's in English and Creative Writing. The last course I completed involved breaking down each element of the publishing industry.

With that said, when it came to the week when we covered Book Reviews an idea sparked within me and I began to go to work on this article. In this article, I want to share with you three components of what I determine to be what makes up a good book review.

The Writer’s Standard

The first point I would like to make is the necessity of living up to the writer’s standard.

It was Enrique Jardiel Poncela who said

When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.”

I don’t about you, but when I first came across that quote my writing life was never the same.

You see, writers happen to be very intellectual beings. We tend to think (and maybe sometimes overthink) long and hard about every word, every line, and every sentence — just as I believe we should.



William Ballard, MBA

Business coach, marketing consultant, and creative entrepreneur. I help writers get their work noticed and get paid what they are worth: