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Self-Publishing vs Traditional Publishing
5 Important Questions to Ask Before You Submit Your Manuscript
I’m super excited to be sharing this particular article with you today, and I hope I’m able to answer some of the questions you have about rather you should go the traditional route or the self-publishing route with your book.
When you have completely finished writing your first manuscript (that means 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th drafts), and have edited it to your own satisfaction, what is your next step?
You can either go the traditional route and start writing query letters to literary agents who may help you get a contract with a traditional publishing company.
Or you could go the self-publishing route and use platforms like CreateSpace and/or Amazon’s KDP select program for e-books — or pay a publisher to print your book, which is still considered self-publishing.
Now, with that said, there are several questions you can ask yourself, that will help determine whether you should submit your work to a traditional publisher, or publish it yourself through self-publishing.
1) How Long Does Your Book Have to Be?
Although there is no “official” length for books, established publishers definitely have…