One Writer’s Complete Productivity System
“Happiness can only be experienced when an individual is in pursuit of something” — William Ballard
It was stated in the Declaration of Independence that we are all given the unalienable right to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Yet, many of us continue to live through unhappiness day in and day out.
Why do you think that is?
You see, our Founding Fathers understood something many of us do not. They understood that happiness can only be experienced when an individual is in pursuit of something — something meaningful and significant.
That said, I’m persuaded that many people live a life of unhappiness because they lack purpose. They live in a fog or a daze.
In other words, they have nothing they are pursuing, aiming, or living for. And to live an aimless life is to be nothing more than a vagabond — and what kind of life is that? Just ask Cain.
Moreover, when I was younger, I’d always heard that if you find something you truly love, you’ll never work a day in your life.
However, I discovered in those first couple decades of my life that many do not know what they are good at or even how to find out what they are good at, and they expect that…