How to Control Your Personal Finances (Part 2 of 2)

Top 8 Money Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Continued

William Ballard, MBA


​”Anybody that isn’t willing to back up what they say with proof — put their money where they mouth is, so to speak — isn’t worth getting involved with”
Grant Cardone

Last week I introduced the first four of the eight major money mistakes that the average American commits on a day-to-day basis. As a recap, those first four are:

1) Saving for a “Rainy Day”
2) The Poor Spender Who Thinks He’s Rich
3) Playing The Nonsense Comparison Game
4) Getting Pulled Under The Trends Current

If you haven’t read the first article in this series, I suggest you do it before reading further.

If you have read that article, then you are really in for a treat this week. So, without further ado, let’s get right into it.

Money Mistake #5: Taking Everyone & Everything at Face Value

This next mistake can apply to just about any area of life. You see, as Grant Cardone has informed us, “anybody who isn’t willing to…



William Ballard, MBA

Business coach, marketing consultant, and creative entrepreneur. I help writers get their work noticed and get paid what they are worth: