Hi Heather (@cadenzacreates),
I appreciate you recognizing me in this article.
To answer your question, if there was one major lesson I've learned through my Medium experience, it would be something my dear friend and mentor, John Maxwell, once said.
He told me, "William, when you’re wrapped up in yourself, you can’t connect with your audience. You will start the process of becoming a great writer the day you get over yourself."
In other words, don't get so caught up in the data of Medium, wondering if someone liked, clapped, commented, or shared your article.
Instead, write for the sake of writing. And if that article only reaches one reader, or impacts only one reader, that is all you need in order to know that you have been effective in the work you have done.
And, with that said, it only takes one reader to create a ripple affect that will eventually reach the masses.
The bottom line is this: Write each article as if you are only writing to try and connect with one person. And focus solely on that one person with the ultimate objective connecting with them and impacting them where they are at.
In short, don't get so caught up in the data. Write for the love of writing. And let the Universe do the rest.