Freelance Writers: Here are 5 Ways to Earn $500/Day

“One of the easiest ways to secure recurring income is through article marketing. That’s because most businesses need new content on an ongoing basis.” — William Ballard

William Ballard, MBA


Imagine that anytime you open your laptop to write, you know you’ll make at least $500, with the potential to make a lot more. How much more freedom can you have if you work only a few days weekly and earn $500 daily?

At that rate, 3X per week, you would earn $6,000/month or $78,000/year. Not to mention, you would only work three days per week — potentially for a few hours!

Moreover, in case you didn’t know, the average salary in the US is $56,310. This means you could work about 40% less and still earn $20K more per month than an average employee. And it’s pretty easy to scale to $100K a year while doing all this from home.

Sounds too good to be true?

It’s not…

The minimum amount I’ll earn when writing for clients is $500 daily. Most days, it’s between $700 and $800, and then there are some days of $1,000+ (or even $2K).

Even my coaching clients have been able to use freelance writing to change their lives by giving them more…



William Ballard, MBA
William Ballard, MBA

Written by William Ballard, MBA

Business coach, marketing consultant, and creative entrepreneur. I help writers get their work noticed and get paid what they are worth:

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